How can I manage all this?
With all the changes in the publishing industry, the life of writers is also changing. We have to do so much more than just put words on the page nowadays.
Below is an incomplete list of what is expected of writers who dream of making enough money from their books to spend all day creating new stories. And it really is enough to make one’s head whirl, especially if you enjoy writing because you can do it alone.
– publish new books regularly
– make your covers beautiful and enticing
– manage your books, prices and editions
– develop business smarts
– promote your books
– create and maintain a website
– build and maintain a fan base
– interact with fans on social media
– develop and market your brand
It’s a little overwhelming, right?
And that’s where I come in.
I’m a writer. I have one novel published in German, as well as several short stories both in German and English. My ebook “Sequoia” (published under my pen name) just won two awards. I’ve been writing for longer than a decade and I saw the publishing world do a major shape shift before my very eyes.
In addition, I’m a coach and therapist. In fact, I have a German license to practice as non-medical therapist of psychotherapy. I specialize in EFT, also called meridian tapping, which is a bit like acupuncture without needles. EFT can shift fears, limiting beliefs and mindsets quickly.
I learned about running a business, too. I’ve been helping people in my practice for five years now, and my work is continuously growing and getting better. I know about product funnels, attracting clients, interacting with people and making it easy to invest in themselves through me.
And with this background, I can really support you in those additional aspects of the modern writing life that you didn’t bargain on when the characters started coming alive in your mind.
Here’s what I can do for you:
Writers’ Wednesday Portfolio Check
Take a look at your books with me and create a strategy to improve your portfolio so it draws in readers easily and makes you money.
Team Up with Your Muse
Let me teach you how to connect to your inspiration reliably and make it effortless to write every day. Become much more productive with some simple EFT techniques. Learn more.
Dream Novel Mentorship
You always wanted to write that novel, but you can’t get it done alone? Let me be your novel buddy, with weekly contact keeping you on track. Learn more.
Writers VIP Day
Full 8 hours with me on Skype or in person (I’ll buy lunch if you come in person), plotting, detailing strategy and having lots of fun being creative together.
Not what you’re looking for?
No problem. Together, we can create the individual support program you need. Just drop me an email or schedule a free Skype Assessment Call with me on this page (this will take you to my main coaching page) and we’ll figure out how I can best support you.