![Appreciation silences the inner critic](http://www.writersdreamcoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/appreciation-150x150.jpg)
That Inner Critic can be a truly destructive voice in the heads of creative people.
I know. I write, too. I’m familiar with that nasty guy.
The Inner Critic kills creativity. It extinguishes that inner spark which makes us write or create art. It makes us doubt our abilities and our hopes.
But just as we can allow the Inner Critic to sabotage our creativity, we can use it and turn the tide. Today, I’m giving you three steps to tame that voice so it becomes less destructive and possibly an ally.
Step 1 to Silence the Inner Critic: Appreciate everything today.
Because appreciation is the very opposite of what that Inner Critic does. Appreciation builds you up, rather than tears you down.
So I’d like you to do a little experiment: go through your life today and appreciate… everything!
You’re creative, so you can look at every situation, everything in your home or at work and find something to appreciate about it. I guarantee it’ll change your mood. It may even make you laugh.
Bonus step: Take pictures of all the beauty you might find, write about it in a journal, or keep a gratitude journal.
I write in my own personal gratitude journal every night, and it feels really good, especially on bad days.
Step 2 to Silence the Inner Critic: Appreciate your successes as writer.
So maybe you’re not selling as many books as you want to. Or maybe there are a few reviews with some criticism. That’s fodder for your Inner Critic.
Take away that fodder. (Yes, the Inner Critic is a Troll.)
Celebrate every little success that you have, every single sale, every happy reader, every review.
If you have print books, put them up where you can see them. Print out great feedback about your stories and hang it in a prominent place.
Keep a Word Count File to measure your progress – and do your best to write every day, even if it’s just a few words.
See how far you’ve come already!
Step 3 to Silence the Inner Critic: Use EFT-tapping
This is the kicker. Really. EFT-tapping is an awesome technique, and it can create shifts really fast. So I’m inviting you to try it out!
You’ll find a demo video right here – click here. I really want you to learn the points and the technique, because that empowers you to do quite a bit on your own. I’m here for you if you need deeper work.
Now watch that video and substitute the following words for the ones I use there:
Even though I’m so used to listening to that inner critic and believe him most of the time, I’m okay the way I am and I now choose to shift into appreciation and enjoy my life.
Even though I’ve listened to my inner critic for so long that I’m almost believing what he says about me, I’m okay the way I am and I now choose to see that I am much, much more than what that critic says – and appreciate that.
Even though I may have almost given up on my creative dreams because that inner critic is so relentless at times, I’m okay the way I am and I now choose to appreciate nourish that creative spark in me.
Your Turn:
So what are you appreciating today?
What beauty did you find today?
What made you smile?
Help to inspire others and share your findings in a comment!
*Image source: F. Moebius
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts and the video. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive that tapping round plus occasional special offers – or go to the sign-up page.
PPS: I can help you silence that Inner Critic by looking at the origins of that voice and tapping on it. EFT is the fastest way I know to shift limiting beliefs, old thought habits and other kinds of blocks. Click HERE and send me an email. Together, we’ll figure out how I can support you best.