The 21-day Inspirational Challenge Page


This is where you’ll find materials and downloads for the challenge from now on!

In light of recent events, I need to ask for this:
Please respect the work that went into creating this challenge and do not share this page publically, or with your friends. Thank you!

And now lets start with a little video, with silly headgear, a clear view of my fantasy books and all:

Bookmark this new page, so you can tap along with me when you feel blocked on inspiration when you do the assignments. The links in the emails will no longer lead here.


Remember, inspiration is everywhere. Literally. Here’s a story to show that:

I was searching for the name of a villain. In fact, I had racked my brain about this for days. And then I was walking home with a load of groceries and saw this on the back of a car: (which means “register your domain now”)

Then I noticed the first few letters of that website … ihred. And seriously, Ihred was a perfect name for that villain! So now he stars as a mean, murdering sorcerer in one of my German novels.

EFT Manual

Here’s the EFT manual that I want to give you, so you can expand your tapping whenever you’re stuck on inspiration or blocked from writing:

Your First Tapping Miracle

Daily Assignments

Day 1: What will my Story Feel Like?
Day 2: Who is my MC?
Day 3: And Here’s my Family!
Day 4: I’d be Lost Without …
Day 5: The Meany
Day 6: I Love you to Bits
Day 7: Mwahahaha … what?
Day 8: My Favorite Place in the World!
Day 9: Look! It Works!
Day 10: I Voted … or Not.
Day 11: Woops! Lightning!
Day 12: It’s Alive!
Day 13: In the Beginning was the Word
Day 14: Ouch!
Day 15: Oh, Rats!
Day 16: This Will Totally Work
Day 17: The List of Doom
Day 18: All is Lost
Day 19: The Big Aha
Day 20: The Turning Point
Day 21: The End

Facebook Group

There is a dedicated Facebook Group for this Challenge. Join here:
The 21-day Inspirational Challenge on Facebook


You can comment here, or drop me an email, say hi on FB or on Google+. Or join my writing forum Mystical Adventures (you’ll have to sign up to Runboard for that).

Happy Writing!

2 Responses to The 21-day Inspirational Challenge Page

  1. Thank you so much Frauke Mobius. I wish I knew how to pronounce your name. This has been a great three week project. I learned a lot. My story isn’t finished yet, of course, needs quite a bit of editing and polish, but it’s a good story I think. This is quite a good approach when the writing is not going well. Start from where you are. Very good. Thanks again.

    • fmoebius says:

      Mona, you are very welcome. I’m so happy that the challenge helped you with your writing.
      Would you let me know when your story is finished? I’m curious about it.
      – Frauke

      (And my name is pronounced “frow-que”.)

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