Early Blog Break – Back in January

Love your body

Love your body

On this blog, I often talk about self-care.

Because self-care is really important, especially if we dream of living our dream life – spending all our time writing and pushing with the next deadline or the next release.

And now the time has come for me to model that self-care…

I’ve been ill most of November. First, a nasty cold – worse than anything I had in a long time. Then problems with my elbow. And now… shingles.

It’s a very clear sign to get some rest. To take it easy and to reduce the load. Reduce stress.

Which means that I have decided – with a heavy heart, believe me – to start my blog break early.  Those of you who are familiar with my blogging know that I take a break in December. This year, I’ll start it today.

I know I’m supposed to apologize, but I won’t.

Because this is self-care.

If I don’t take care of myself, I can’t be here for you guys.

So I wish you a wonderful NaNoWriMo (lots of posts to be read with that tag, btw.) and a wonderful time during the holidays.

I love you all.

And I’ll be back in January.

Tapping Phrases:

Even though I hate being sick and out of commission, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to take good care of myself and let my body heal.

Even though I feel like I’m letting my readers down, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to take the time off that I need and let my body heal.

Even though I’m feeling horrible about this, I’m totally okay the way I am, and now I choose to allow myself this break and realign with well-being and healing.

Your Turn:
Have you taken time for a break? How did that feel?
Help to inspire others and share in a comment!

*Image source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive that tapping round plus occasional special offers.

PPS: I can help you overcome self-blame and resistance to self-care. EFT is the fastest way I know to shift limiting beliefs, old thought habits and other kinds of blocks. Click HERE and send me an email. Together, we’ll figure out how I can support you best.

About fmoebius

I'm a writer and coach. I love helping writers be more creative, more productive and more profitable. With EFT, life gets easier. Blocks can fall away. Limiting beliefs just shift. You can build your dream life. Let me help you do this.
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