Waiting for the Muse
I know quite a number of authors who wait for inspiration. Who wait for the muse to kiss them. Who are waiting for the one flash of genius that will inspire them to write this century’s next great novel. (Yes, I’m exaggerating… somewhat.)
The biggest problem with this kind of mindset is this:
They are still waiting, and not writing.
And that’s terrible, I think.
You see, waiting for inspiration does not really work. It does not get books written. And it builds frustration and regret – and makes writers give up.
In fact, the very opposite is true: Write, and inspiration will come.
I’ll talk some more about that in the video.
And know that I’m talking from experience. I’ve had times where I wrote like mad for weeks (sometimes months), and ideas were just tumbling over each other.
And the writing and the ideas dried up when I chose to focus on coaching instead. When I only wrote when an idea was utterly irresistible. Unfortunately, without regular writing, those ideas dried up quickly.
I changed that at the beginning of June, by making the decision to write 1,000 words every day. That’s actually not much of a committment – I can write 1k words in about 30 minutes – but it was difficult to really do that every single day, especially in the first week or two.
In those four weeks since that decision, I have written 28,000 words. More than in the three months before that combined.
Also, something marvellous is happening: I’ve been writing much more for the last three days, by developing my writing habit even further. I made it more fun – by using a laptop, turning off WiFi and going away from my desktop.
It’s been incredibly satisfying to watch my stories grow, to be close to my characters and familiar with the world – you can only get that through regular visits. And let me tell you, it’s wonderful.
Creating a daily writing habit is absolutely key for productivity. It’s the best thing you can do for your journey as an author.
And if you’re still in doubt, here’s some tapping.
Tapping Phrases
Even though I thought that a writer must be inspired to write, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to know that writing begets inspiration.
Even though I’ve always waited for my muse, and it’s been frustrating and unproductive, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now chose to turn this around and write anyway.
Even though I always believed that writing without inspiration would only result in crap, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I’m giving myself permission to try this daily writing thing.
Asking you:
Do you write every day?
How much do you rely in inspiration or the muse?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.
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PPS: There is a roundabout way to my newsletter that’ll give you something really neat: an email series called “30 Days Daily Writing Habit” which is free. If you sign up for that, you’re automatically added to my newsletter, as well. (And you can always unsubscribe.)
PPPS: For those of you who are curious, you can find my books here: Hannah Steenbock