I know those moments.
When you think that nothing works. That all your hard work won’t amount to anything. When you think you won’t ever be good enough. When your books don’t sell, nobody looks at your blog posts and you feel all alone at home.
That’s the energy of loss and desperation.
(If you do have a depression, seek professional help, please!)
And while you’re thinking these thoughts, and living in this desperation, that’s the energy you send out.
Problem is, people can tell. It shows in your writing. It shows in the social media, if you’re not very careful. And worst of all, that’s the energy you’re sending out to the Universe.
Which means – that’s exactly what you’ll get more of. Well, darn.
And there is only one way to get out of it: Think something else.
That’s hard.
I know very well how hard that is. We’re used to wallowing in that feeling. Hoping someone will feel sorry for us, and lift a hand to pull us out. Surely, if we just feel bad enough, someone will have mercy and come to our rescue. With sweets, a hug and a magic wand to make it all better.
It may have happened like that when you were a kid. It no longer does.
We have to rescue ourselves. And the solution is both simple and difficult:
Find a thought that makes you feel better.
Here are some examples:
– I easily sell dozens of books.
– I love being surprised by new ideas.
– I effortlessly write 2k words a day.
– I’m loved by my fans.
Think those or say those out loud and FEEL THE JOY.
That’s the important part. Feel that joy those sentences bring. It doesn’t matter if they are true or not. Just feel them. Let that joy live in your heart.
This is crucial.
Because that shift to inner joy is a huge energy shift. When you send out joy, people react differently. They read your posts. They buy your books. They can sense it. We all have those antenna.
And if you believe you can’t do it, here’s some tapping to shift that limiting belief:
Even though this feels so bogus, nobody can think and feel their way out of failure, I’m still a good writer, and I now give myself permission to try it out.
Even though it’s so darn hard to let go of the desperation and allow a good thought, let alone joy, I’m okay the way I am, and I now open myself to some joy.
Even though it feels like make-belief and fake it until you make it, I’m okay the way I am, and I’m open to the possibility that it might at least make me feel a little better.
Your Turn:
What’s your happy thought?
Do you notice any shifts in your body when you think that thought?
What are you excited about?
Write a comment and share the good stuff!
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: I can help you shift that desperation mindset. Instead of feeling like a failure, we can install new thought patterns that support you and take you out of desperation and frustration.
EFT is the fastest way I know to shift limiting beliefs, old thought habits and other kinds of blocks. If you want help with that, click HERE and send me an email. Together, we’ll figure out how I can support you best.
PPS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so you can start shifting your mindset. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive that tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up