Happily creative
Today, it is Thanksgiving in some parts of the world. I don’t celebrate it, as I live in Germany and don’t share that particular history.
But there is still plenty that I am grateful for, and I want to mention one particular thing that I thank every day for being a part of me:
I believe that every human being and possibly quite a number of animals are creative. We and they use our brain to come up with new ideas, new concepts and we’re even having fun while we’re doing it.
Being creative is fun.
We writers channel our creativity in a different way than many others, no more, no less. But in order to create stories and novels, we must do so regularly and constantly – just to keep the creativity flowing with ease.
Of course, there are bursts when the words just flow and flow and flow. Those are the good days. And every writer I know is extremely thankful for those.
On the bad days, however, the only thing that can save us is a writing habit. And that’s another thing to be thankful for.
Being creative can be a habit.
Let’s celebrate creativity today, tomorrow, and every day in our writing lives. Even if you write just a paragraph or a blog post every day – you are creative.
Write today.
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: This blog and the newsletter will take a vacation in December. Both will be back in January.