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Most of us writers hate marketing.
We hate posturing, we hate shoving books in people’s faces, and we hate having to post the link to our book every day. That’s not creative, it’s no fun, and we’re afraid people will hate us for it.
No wonder that we severely dislike doing that. It goes against everything inside ourselves. We tend to be introverted. We tend to dislike talking about ourselves. So we don’t market.
Nobody taught us that marketing could be fun. Or even natural.
“You’re telling people what you are doing. What could be more natural?”
That’s what my business coach says. And she’s right.
Here’s how that works:
People want to feel they get to know you, or us, as authors and human beings. They want to know who is writing those stories they enjoy, and if they have to decide between two different authors, they might prefer the one they “know” better.
Personally, I love to see authors share their normal life. Pictures of their garden, their cats or their horses. Share normal things like getting a new car or moving to a different house. Or even how they are doing with their latest WIP. Share their desk. Let readers get a glimpse of their lives. (And you get to decide which aspects they see.)
All that tells your readers that you’re a normal, approachable person. And when the moment arrives that you can tell them about your new book, they are ready to buy from you, and tell others about this great new book. Because you feel like friend.
Here are some tapping sentences to help you shift your old beliefs about marketing:
Even though I hate marketing, because I thought it meant shoving my book into people’s faces, I’m okay the way I am and I now choose to learn how marketing could be fun.
Even though I hate it when other people shove their books into my face, and I never, ever want to do that to someone else, I’m okay the way I am and I now choose to make my marketing much more creative and fun.
Even though I always thought I would never be able to market and sell my books, I’m okay the way I am, and I now choose to find really cool ways of letting people know that I’m an author.
How does this kind of marketing feel to you? Does it even feel like “marketing”?
Please comment!
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: Still find marketing hard and awkward? Want help in creating fun ways of telling people about your books? Click HERE and send me an email. We’ll connect and figure out how I can support you best.