Words for the Tapping Round
Now you know how to create set-up phrases, and you know what points to tap on, which means it is time for the final bit of information you need to get result with EFT tapping:
What to say in the tapping round?
Now, you already have your set-up statement which gives you words about your issue, as well as the direction of the desired shift, so you’re ready to start.
I like to do three to four rounds right through the tapping points before checking in with myself and seeing what has shifted.
In the video, I explain how I use those different rounds and how I process through them.
So basically, you go through your rounds this way:
Round 1: Focus on your issue and the feelings this causes you.
Round 2: Lay the ground work for the intended and desired shift
Round 3: Consolidate the shift
Then you check in with yourself again, and start a complete new round with a fresh bunch of set-up statements.
EFT is awesome to create shifts, it’s wonderful to release old issues and negative emotions. I want to encourage you to tap and make your life easier. But please, also honor yourself and get help if you want to work through deeper issues. Sometimes, it’s easier and safer to have someone guide you through these rounds.
Now, if you are still worried about finding the right words, I have a few set-up phrases for you.
Tapping phrases
Even though I feel so insecure about what to say during the tapping round, I’m okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to experiment and follow my inspiration.
Even though I worry about saying the right things during a tapping round, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to follow those steps and keep experimenting.
Even though I’m afraid of saying the wrong things during a tapping round, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to release that fear and practice tapping.
Asking you:
Do you still find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine having fun with those tapping rounds?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.